Available only to Business Plan In a Day graduates

Want to enroll in the Entrepreneurship Program -AND- get a chance to win a $5,000 business grant?

Click Here to Enroll!


30 Hours - Every Saturday - 1pm to 4pm - 100% Virtual


Saturdays, starting July 13,

100% virtual via Zoom.

How much?


Enroll by clicking here


Completion of Business Plan In a Day is required to enroll.

How does the $5,000 grant work?

A $5,000 grant will be given to the person / business that creates the best business plan during the Entrepreneurship Program. Since it's a grant, it does not have to be repaid, and if you win, it is yours to keep!

The best business plan will be chosen by a panel of experts.

To be eligible, you must attend all 10 sessions of the Entrepreneurship Program.

What Will You Get From the Entrepreneurship Program?

You'll learn how to Build, Operate, and Grow your business, while creating lifelong relationships with local entrepreneurs just like you! You'll prepare yourself and your business to overcome the unforeseen challenges you'll encounter while building your business.

30 Hours of Training on Basic, Critical Business Competencies

When you have your own business, you are responsible for everything - accounting, operations, finance, sales, marketing - the list goes on. You'll fill in all your blind spots so you're prepared to tackle any challenge head-on!

Comprehensive Business Mastery

Operating your business requires basic knowledge of all areas within it. You'll learn everything from accounting and finance to sales and marketing, and everything in-between!

Well-Developed Business Idea

Most things that go wrong in a business are things we "didn't think about" or anticipate. Get ready to fill in the gaps of your idea and anticipate challenges, so you can be prepared with solutions.

Improved Critical and Creative Thinking

The problem is never a lack of resources, but a lack of creativity. Make the most of what you have to achieve the results you and the people depending on your business deserve.

Honed Decision-Making

As a business owner, the buck stops with you, and you need to make quick decisions. You'll learn how to weigh your options and make decisions that result in positive outcomes more often.

Increased Self-Confidence and Awareness

Beliefs drive behavior. Lead with confidence, know you have the answers, and help the people you work with feel just as confident and aware when you're not around.

Valuable Professional Network

"It's not what you know, it's who you know." What doors will open if you have a network full of business owners, shaping the local economy alongside you? Bring your rolodex.

Fully Fleshed-Out Business Plan

You've already written a simple business plan at Business Plan in a Day. Now you'll flesh it out and add financials and other information that will improve your chances at finding financial partners.

Graduation Celebration

Celebrate your wins with the people going through the journey alongside you while building a network of fellow business owners that you'll shape the local economy with for years to come!

... and a chance to win a $5,000 grant for your business!

What are Other Business Owners Saying?

Photo of Rosetta of Momma Doula

"Thank you to everyone behind this program... To run into all these resources, and to have all you guys willing to help us thrive and be successful in our businesses is outstanding, it's so amazing, just thank you."

Rosetta, Momma Doula

Photo of Tara from Dope Food and Smoothies

"Thank you for stimulating our brains and catapulting our futures and aiding us in our dream. We really thank you wholeheartedly. You have made a difference not in just one life but many lives. Thank you."

Tara, Dope Food & Smoothies

Photo of Mario of Super Mario's Kitchen

"I just want to thank you Oliver for having an amazing class. If it wasn’t for this class I wouldn’t have met... everybody else here. We give ideas off of each other and we are able to help our businesses grow"

Mario, Super Mario's Kitchen

Photo of Benita of Adorned Abode

"I appreciate you all for the resources... Thank you all so much, it’s a wonderful service and I have definitely shared it with people and I will continue to share it."

Benita, Adorned Abode

"I learned exactly what I need to do and sell to be sufficient and sustainable."

"I loved the opportunity to meet other entrepreneurs, where we can bounce ideas off each other and help our businesses grow."

“[Oliver] was very knowledgeable about business and his teaching style was effective at facilitating discussion and pushing us to grow both personally and in our businesses. The course materials were easy to follow and asked insightful questions."


If you have any questions, shoot me an email directly at Oliver@UrbanBizSPS.org. Otherwise, I'll see you on the LIVE weekly calls!